Tuesday Club of Assonet


Email us at: info@tuesdayclubofassonet.org

​​​​​​​​​For more information or to purchase the Hearts you may Email us at: RedHeart@tuesdayclubofassonet.org

The Tuesday Club of Assonet is collecting items for our local Veteran's at the Veteran's Hospital in Brockton and for the Veteran's Transition Home
in New Bedford.
We will be collecting items until shortly before Christmas.
For your convenience there will be collection bins at
 SIX locations 
Town of Freetown Town Hall
3 North Main Street, Assonet, MA 02702
 Monday-Thursday 8AM-4PM, Friday 8AM-NOON 

United Church of Assonet 9 North Main Street Assonet MA
Sunday Before Service starts at 10AM. Door is open at 9:30AM
Door reopens at 11AM-11.30AM
After Services
Drops welcome before and after service.
Tuesday Club Box Labeled inside. Other times by appointment.
Please drop off at center front door.

​Freetown  Veteran's Memorial Post #6643 of Foreign Wars

89 Middleboro Road
East Freetown, MA 02717
 Tel# 508-763-2292

Closed Monday and Tuesday
Open Wednesday Thursday Friday 4-8PM, Saturday 4-10PM

Earth’s Hidden Treasures 63 So. Main St. Assonet, MA
Tuesday-Friday 10AM-6PM, Saturday 10AM-5PM, Sunday 10AM-2PM

American Legion Hall Post 121
80 Myricks Road, Berkley, MA Open Daily 11AM-10PM

Freetown Council on Aging
227 Chase Road, East Freetown, MA 02717
Monday-Thursday 8AM-4PM, Friday 7:30AM-10:30AM

For more information please visit our website and find us on Facebook:Tuesday Club of Assonet
For a complete list of supplies and projects visit our website at 
www.tuesdayclubofassonet.org Veteran’s page
email: info@tuesdayclubofassonet.org

You may also contact
Cathy 508-642-1617, Grace 508-644-2266 or Barbara 508-644-5741  

The Tuesday Club of Assonet  P O Box 251 Assonet, MA 02702

​​​​Congratulations to the 30 lucky winners!
Tuesday Club and Freetown Grange Raffle!
Thank you!

November 1 -Theresa B- $50.00 in GC The Ledge Restaurant
November 2 Alyson P - Tailgate Gas Grill with accessories
November 3 Dottie G -$50.00 CES Environmental Services
​November 4 Joel P - of E Freetown Yankee Candle& S'Mores Baskets
November 5 Marylou T- Crossroad Liquors Gift Certificate
November 6 Nicky P-20# JaySan Gas Refills & Grilling Basket
November 7 Doug R $50.00 Scratch Tickets
November 8 Corrine D $25.00 & Friendly's $25.00 Gift Card & Home Depot
November 9 Felisha W- Patriots Pack& #20 Jaysan Propane gas refill
November 10 Richard L -Vendor Basket/Holiday Marker
November 11 Patricia A-Pop Culture Holiday Cookie Tray
November 12 Nancy C -$50.00 Gift Card Harry's Pizzeria
November 13 Leanna F-2 Gift Cards Annies & Fat Cousins
November 14 Lenny F-$50.00 Scratch Tickets/Tuesday Club
November 15 Lola F- 2/$25.00 Gift Cards Nellie Rose
November 16 Nancy C-Patriots Pack & 20# Jaysan Gas Refill
November 17 Roseann A- $50.00 Cash Donated Rose family
November 18 Ryan T- Cookie Baking Kit, Bird Feeder
November 19 Teah S-Between the Roses Florist
November 20 Carolyn P- Thanksgiving Basket by Ellen Lima
November 21 Dennis M- $50.00 Scratch Tickets B. Camara & Tuesday Club of Assonet
November 22 Cathy E- Italian Dinner Donated by the Grange
November 23 Leanna F-Texas Roadhouse/Home Depot GC's
November 24 Natan O- Cash Environmental Services
November 25 Lola F-Handmade quilted throw
November 26 Pat W-Gift Card Nellie Rose
November 27 Michael L- Gift Cards Annies & Fat Cousin Pizza
November 28 Grace R- $50.00 Joshua Woodworking
November 29 Sheila P-$50.00 Donated by the Brown Family
November 30 Heidi B-$50.00 Gift Card Smokey Bones

The 2024 Annual Veterans Christmas Drive 

was an amazing success! 

We look forward to working with the community once again!

See you all next year June 15th, 2025

at the 36th Strawberry Festival!

​The Tuesday Club of Assonet and the East Freetown Grange #307


It very much appreciated! 


Dear Patrons
Our newest fund raiser 
They are $5.00 each.

​​​​​​As one of our members so eloquently said: 
"A red heart is a symbol used to express gratitude love,
​ happiness and hope.
"I feel the red heart expresses our gratitude and love to the residents of Freetown who are helping us to share love and hope with scholarships for our high school seniors and with donations to various charities in our community! This fundraiser is one way to accomplish our goals! I am so looking forward to when we canhold our annual Strawberry Festival." 

Dottie Grocott at 508-644-2459  and Ellen 508-951-9358
Additional locations will be added in the near future.
Look for more fundraising plans from us in the near future!
As always! Thank you for your support!

The Tuesday Club of Assonet

JUNE 16, 2024


 Homemade Strawberry Shortcake
 Hot dogs and Lemonade
Live music from Midnight Sun Country Band
A great assortment of Crafters
Fun for the whole family!

​​Please come and join us at The Bandstand
South Main Street Assonet, MA

Assonet Village Four Corners at the Bandstand Route
Exit 13 (Old Exit 10) from 24 South  
Exit 11 (Old Exit 9)  From 24 North
Our signs will lead you there! Free parking!

This annual Festival is held to provide scholarships
      for students from Freetown, MA
 Sponsored by The Tuesday Club of Assonet and the 
Freetown Cultural Council
MA Cultural Council

Like us on Facebook!
www.facebook.com Tuesday Club of Assonet


The Tuesday Club of Assonet would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your wonderful generosity during the 2024 Christmas Season and for the many years our community has shown such wonderful support

for our servicemen and veterans. 
Thank you so much for your generosity! It was a banner year!

Special thanks to the following organizations and business’s
that were kind enough to let us place our donations boxes with them.

Town of Freetown Town Hall
United Church of Assonet
Earth’s Hidden Treasures Assonet, MA
American Legion Hall Berkley, MA
Freetown Senior Center E. Freetown
Freetown Memorial Post VFW Post #6643

Special thanks goes to:
 Bay Coast Insurance of Swansea MA
St. John Neumann’s Church
Private Donation for $250.00

Special thanks to the volunteers who joined 
our members on Christmas Stocking Stuffing night!
Katherine Ashley, Gabrielle Ashley and Louise Dahlborg

To the Veteran’s Transition House in New Bedford
we donated the following items.
41 Stuffed Christmas Stockings, Boxes of socks, puzzles and games,

Large boxes of towels and wash cloths.

Boxes of hats, gloves, shirts, underwear, slippers and many pairs of socks. 
Boxes of personal hygiene products.

To the Veteran’s Hospital in Brockton MA
we donated the following items.
52 Packed to the brim gift bags
65 Feeding bibs, 6 Lap robes.
Boxes of personal hygiene items. 
Boxes of Puzzle books, playing cards, games 
Stationery, writing paper and pens, pencils note cards. 

A special thank you to everyone for

the personal donations that were received from friends and family!

Thank you for support! Without our wonderful community this is not possible!

Happy New Year!
 The Members of the Tuesday Club of Assonet.
You will be hearing from us soon!
Facebook:Tuesday Club of Assonet
email: info@tuesdayclubofassonet.org

Tuesday Club accepts donations throughout the year so please feel free to contact us.


The Tuesday Club of Assonet would like to express our appreciation to you for all of the help and assistance you provided to make our
Strawberry Festival’s 35th year a success !
Your help allows are club to fulfill our effort to raise money for the scholarships
we award to Freetown graduates each year.
We would like to thank all of our wonderful Crafters and Suppliers.
The Midnight Sun Country Band 
Also to the many Tuesday Club members family and friends that pitch
in to help us throughout the entire weekend. 
To the many Volunteers and Scholarship winners new and from previous years!
We love seeing you at the festival.
We couldn’t do this without all of you!
We look forward to working with you all again next year!
Thank you to all the following:
Town of Freetown
Town of Freetown Highway Dept
Town of Freetown Police Debt
Town of Freetown Board of Health

Town of Freetown Fire Department 
Camp Welch, Assonet MA
K R Rezendes

Town of Lakeville
Juniors Convenient Store
Nasiff Produce,  Fall River, MA
Grandpa’s Place, Assonet, MA
Junior’s Convenience Store, Assonet, MA
Torres Insurance, Assonet, MA
Russell Frade, East Freetown, MA 
Assonet Animal Hospital
Eastern Ice, Fall River MA
Whites Dairy, Acushnet, MA
Luzo’s Maxi Market New Bedford, MA
Fall River Cash and Carry, Fall River, MA
U-Haul Rentals

To everyone who let us put a sign in their yard or business!
See you all next year!